Calculating the number of possible doses in a purchase is a critical step in supply evaluations; this calculator takes into consideration your typical protocol dose, the drug's strength, size, and preservative status, and the regulations surrounding the supplying pharmacy's license type. This calculator takes into account the USP 797 Sterile Preparations guidance. As of this writing UPS 797 requires vials are disposed (4) hours after puncture for preservative free compounds and (28) days for preserved compounds. This calculator assumes that the product is within Best Use Date (BUD); USP 797 advises for disposal of product once the BUD has been reached. This calculator also takes into consideration the purchasing restrictions set forth in Section 503A and Section 503B of the FD&C Act, both of which are provisions that address requirements for the production of human drug compounds. This requires that we ask for your patient's maximum doses in a 28 day window, as vials purchased from 503A licensed compound pharmacies can only be administered to a single patient. Vials purchased from commercial manufacturers or FDA recognized 503B pharmacies are assumed to be shared across patients.
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